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A Long Life in the Colonies and in a New Nation

Abigail Lewis Bullard (1729-1826)

Willow and urn a common gravestone image was the inspiration for the OPPV logo

Born on January 16, 1729, Abigail Lewis was the daughter of William Lewis and Bethiah Colburn Lewis of Dedham, and the sister of Benjamin Lewis (lot 192).

Abigail Lewis married Josiah Bullard on April 20, 1749 in Dedham. Josiah Bullard had been born on June 9, 1711 and was the son of John and Abigail Bullard of Medfield. Abigail and Josiah Bullard had six children: Josiah, Abigail, Hannah, Ann, Submit, and Olive. Little is known about them.

Josiah Bullard died on April 8, 1781. His burial place is unknown.

Abigail Lewis Bullard lived until November 12, 1826 when she died of “old age and fever.” Beneath the weeping willow and urn, a classic engraving of the early nineteenth century, her stone reads:

In memory of


Abigail Bullard,

wife of Mr. Josiah Bullard,

who died

Nov. 12, 1826.

Aet 98

The sweet remembrance of the just

Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.

These last lines were cut in italics. It was a phrase adapted from Psalm 112 that was included on many gravestones during that time.


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