David Andrews (1773-1858)
Susan Fisher Andrews (1777-1841)
Mary Andrews (c 1801-1804)
Hannah Andrews (c 1805-1809)
Mary R. Andrews (1816-1824)
Caroline Andrews (1813-1853)
David Andrews was born in April of 1773. He was the eldest child of David Andrews (1748-1778) and Hannah Fuller Andrews (1749-1783) who were married in October 1771 in Dedham. David had two siblings: Hannah, born in 1774, and Joel, born in 1777.
On April 18, 1797, David Andrews married Susan Fisher, who was known as Susey. Susey was the daughter of Benjamin Fisher and Mary Robbins Fisher of Walpole. David and Susey had a farm on Pleasant Street in South Dedham. They had several children including David, Mary, Caroline, Hannah, Hannah F., Mary R. and Joel.
Tragically, several of their children died at a young age. Mary was only three years old when she passed away on August 16, 1804; Hannah was about the same age when she died on August 3, 1809. When David and Susey had two more daughters, they were named Mary and Hannah as well, a common practice. Hannah F. was born in 1810 and Mary Robbins was born in 1816. Hannah grew to adulthood and married Curtis Talbot; she died at 25 in 1835 and is buried in lot 105 with her husband. Mary R. died on November 11, 1824 at the age of 8. Her death was attributed to typhus fever, a fairly common disease, particularly among farmers where the likelihood of contamination of food or water was rather high.
When Mary Robbins Andrews passed away, the record notes that she was the daughter of Capt. David Andrews, the first reference to a military background for David Andrews. It is likely that he was part of the local voluntary militia in the early 1800s.
On June 30, 1841, Susey Fisher Andrews died. The record of her death states that she was the wife of Capt. David Andrews. The record of her death goes on to state that “She was the first person that was carried on the new hearse.” Obviously, the parish was proud of the acquisition of a “new hearse.”
David Andrews died on December 14, 1858 in New York City of old age. Apparently both David and Susey were devout Christians for they each have distinctive quotations inscribed on their stone. David’s reads: “His last wishes were, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Susey’s reads: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Daughter Caroline Andrews died on September 30, 1853 of liver disease at the age of 50.
She too is buried in this family lot. At some point, the gravestone of the Andrews family was badly damaged. The bottom of the stone still stands in the lot, the top was broken into pieces. Some sections of it are still missing. Reuniting these pieces is a future OPPV project.